Know CPR Training Center Policies & Procedures Update July 15, 2008
Certification Card Security Policy Training Centers are expected to take precautions to preserve the value of ASHI certification, and to ensure that it continues to be widely accepted. In order for a course participant to be certified by an authorized ASHI Instructor, the participant must have met the required knowledge and skill objectives of the course. Certification is indicated by issuance of a certification card. Certification cards must not be issued, or in any other way made available, to course participants except by an authorized ASHI Instructor as a result of successful completion of an ASHI course. In order to prevent unauthorized possession of a certification card, the Training Center must have implemented the following procedures. To ensure proper security and handling of certification cards, the following procedures will be implemented by all Know CPR Training Center staff. 1. All certification cards will be stored inside the Know CPR Training Center office in a secured room until provided to the instructors, as required, to teach their scheduled class, 2. Know CPR Training Center will maintain an updated inventory of all cards issued to instructors and in its possession, 3. Certification cards issued to participants must be completed in ink by the Instructor prior to being issued. No student is to be given access to a certification card with either the holder or the date fields blank, except in circumstances where the student fills in the name field in the Instructor’s presence. 4. On completion of a course, Instructors will fax to the Know CPR Training Center completed rosters and answer sheets. The instructors will also retain copies of rosters for their own records. 5. Know CPR Training Center will not resell cards, except as authorized by ASHI in a distributor agreement. 6. All Know CPR instructors are responsible for any and all ASHI cards that have been provided to them by the Training Center, and must return, and be able to account for any and all cards and equipment provided to them by the Training Center. Failure to do so may result in termination of the Instructor‐Training Center relationship.
Final Examination Security Policy Training Centers are expected to take precautions to preserve the value of ASHI certification, and to ensure that it continues to be widely accepted. In order for a course participant to be certified by an authorized ASHI Instructor, the participant must have met the required knowledge and skill objectives of the course. For some ASHI courses, knowledge is measured and reinforced by the student’s successfully completing a written examination. In order for these examinations to be valid instruments of measurement, students must not have access to them outside of the classroom environment. When written examinations are used, Training Center staff will follow these procedures. To ensure the integrity of final examinations, the following procedures will be implemented by all Training Center staff. 1. Instructors will secure hard copies of final examinations in their possession until they are distributed in class. 2. Instructors will collect hard copies of final examinations from students before the end of class. 3. Instructors will not make final examinations available to any person who is not an authorized ASHI Instructor, except during class as a component of course completion. 4. Instructors will destroy copies of any final examinations which are no longer to be used in class, so that no person who is not an authorized ASHI Instructor will be able to determine the content of the examination. 5. If a student refuses to relinquish a copy of the examination, that student is not to be issued a certification card, and the incident must be reported to the Know CPR Training Center immediately. The Know CPR Training Center will follow up with the customer, and will report the loss of the examination to ASHI.
Quality Assurance and Improvement Policy It is the Training Center’s responsibility to maintain the goodwill associated with ASHI and its programs. The Training Center’s policy is continually to strive for high standards of quality in the administration and delivery of ASHI programs. As part of the Training Center’s efforts continually to improve the quality of its courses, the following procedures will be implemented by all Training Center staff. 1. Instructor courses will be conducted according to ASHI’s published standards. Normal class parameters with respect to class length, student‐to‐instructor ratio, student‐to equipment ratio, classroom characteristics, audio‐visual materials, etc., are defined in the ASHI Program Standards. When one of these variables exceeds the limits as defined by ASHI, the Training Center policy is to adjust one or more of the other variables to account for this (for instance, if there are additional students and the Instructor number cannot be increased, the course length must be increased). In these instances, Instructors will confirm with the Training Center the acceptable accommodations to be made for students. 2. Instructors will review class materials and check equipment no later than 24 hours before classes start to ensure that nothing is missing, inoperable, or out of date. If any piece of equipment needs to be replaced or repaired, Instructors will communicate with the Training Center to ensure their readiness for the class. 3. Know CPR and its instructors will confirm classes with customers no later than 3 days before classes start to confirm course, class location, start time, maximum size, and other variables. If the confirmation call identifies any issue, the Instructor will verify that the customer has the correct contact information for the Training Center, and will request that the customer communicate with the Training Center. The Instructor will also personally inform the Training Center of the issue. The Training Center will resolve the issue with the customer before the class date. 4. Course evaluations will be made available to every student at the end of every class. The Instructor will return the sealed envelope to the Training Center with the class rosters. 5. The Training Center may make a follow‐up call to the customer after each class has been completed to ascertain that the class was conducted according to Training Center standards. Among the questions that might be asked will be whether the Instructor arrived at the time scheduled, whether the class length was within the normal parameters as set forth by ASHI, whether the Instructor was appropriately dressed, whether the Instructor’s hygiene was appropriate, whether the classroom was left in reasonable condition, and any other questions specific to the customer. 6. The Training Center Director will review all student evaluations and results of follow up calls, and after review, will make them available to the Instructor. If these documents indicate that an Instructor is in need of remediation or disciplinary action, the Training Center will address this need, giving the Instructor the opportunity to make appropriate corrections or modifications, and escalating to termination of the Instructor‐Training Center relationship when these measures are unsuccessful. 7. Periodically, the Training Center may arrange with a customer for an Instructor, Instructor Trainer, Regional Instructor Trainer, or other authorized representative not known to an Instructor to participate in a class as a student. After the class is completed, the monitoring person will submit a teaching evaluation to the Training Center Director for review with the Instructor who taught the class. 8. The Training Center will monitor its Instructors to ensure that they comply with all Training Center and ASHI requirements. When an Instructor fails to comply with a requirement, the Training Center will institute appropriate corrective measures. If an Instructor consistently fails to comply with requirements, the Training Center will dissolve its affiliation with the Instructor. 9. The Training Center will inform ASHI of any instance of its terminating its relationship with an affiliated Instructor, and of its reasons for doing so.
Equipment Maintenance and Decontamination Policy All equipment used to train Training Center customers must be in good working condition and decontaminated appropriately after each use. To ensure the proper working condition of teaching equipment, the following procedures will be implemented by all Training Center staff. 1. Instructors will check their equipment no later than 24 hours prior to the start of class to ensure fully charged batteries, all equipment is working appropriately, and all equipment has been cleaned and stored appropriately. 2. If equipment needs maintenance or cleaning, Instructors will perform these tasks, or will swap out equipment with the Training Center so as to be prepared for class. 3. After class, Instructors will decontaminate all equipment according to the manufacturer’s specifications. 4. For equipment that is stored at the Training Center, Training Center staff will receive equipment from Instructors after class, and will check to ensure that all parts are present and functional. Prior to sending out equipment to the next class, the Training Center will correct any deficiencies in equipment.
Professional Conduct Policy As representatives of ASHI and of the Training Center, all staff members are expected to maintain the highest levels of professionalism in their interaction with each other, with customers and with the public. Standards of conduct, dress, and hygiene must be maintained. Personal biases must not be identifiable from the actions or words of any employee. Behavior indicative of prejudice or in any way inappropriate for the workplace will not be tolerated. All Training Center staff members are expected to adhere to the following: 1. Staff must behave in a professional and polite manner at all times. Staff must be respectful of each other, all customers, and the public. 2. Problems arising with customers and the public must be addressed outside of the classroom and out of earshot of the students. 3. Telephone and email communication is held to the same standard as face‐to‐face and written communication. 4. Disagreements between staff members should be resolved out of the public eye. 5. Staff members interacting with the public are to be dressed in business‐casual attire, with the exception of Instructors teaching in facilities where the customer has indicated that a different level of attire will be more suitable.
Training Center Communication Policy The Training Center is committed to communicating effectively with its staff and its customers. Training Center customers must be able to contact the Training Center whenever they wish to schedule a class, ask a question, or provide feedback about an experience with the Training Center or its staff. In addition, all customers receiving ASHI programs must be given contact information for ASHI. To ensure appropriate communication, the following procedures will be implemented by all Training Center staff. 1. Instructors will maintain a means of communication with the Training Center. The Training Center must be able to contact Instructors regarding any issue being brought to its attention. 2. The Training Center will establish a regular method of communication with Instructor staff. Instructors must check the Training Center’s communication methods on a regular and frequent basis (i.e. website, newsletter, emails, etc.). 3. Instructors will provide all students with the Training Center’s telephone number and the Training Center Director’s email address. 4. All communications with the public, customers, and fellow employees will be kept confidential under most circumstances. Customer information such as name, address, telephone number, and electronic communication is considered secure and confidential, and will not be made available outside the Training Center.